Build and scale

Innovation & Design

I help companies to

envision, convince and shape change

My expertise lies in




Use and challenge the capabilities of innovation & design to turn your idea into a strong product. Make your solution stand out with a future-oriented vision, impactful properties and bold designs.


Convincing investors with inspirations
A powerful presentation to encourage investments in the digital solutions start-up with additional templates for future optimisation.
A journey to sustainability thinking
Publication of rich research on the impact of the dis-posable clay teacup from India on multiple levels of sustainability.
A duet with photography and design
Interdisciplinary collaboration that combines the two perspectives of visual language and design develop-ment for customised communication
How sustainable is Bhar?
A strategic approach to challenge an Indian politician's conviction from an unbiased perspective and a focus on zero waste.
A trademark for art and dialogue
The new branding for Hilmer, New York art gal-lery, tangibly visualises the versatility of modern art and the intercultural discourse.

DaVita Deutschland   |   Loya.Care   |   Future & You   |   Volkswagen Research & Development   |   Stadt Bielefeld   |   DB Systel   |   Schütte   |   Beate Heraeus Foundation    |   MAI Group   |   Hanseforce   |   Ziipcode Real Estate   |    Blanko   |   Barski Design   |   Form Verlag   |   Yellow Design   |   SPIEGEL Verlag   |   Trendbüro   |   Holzmanufaktur Viehmann   |   HOT SPOT Theater Hamburg